Richmond Lattimore vs Michael Reck Iliad Translation Comparison

Years: 1951 and 1994

Lattimore's translation of the Iliad offers a more literal and faithful rendition of the original Greek text, while Reck's translation emphasizes a more modern and accessible language, engaging readers with its contemporary style.

Passage comparison

Richmond Lattimore

Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus' son Achilleus
and its devastation, which puts pains thousandfold upon the Achaians,
hurled in their multitudes to the house of Hades strong souls
of heroes, but gave their bodies to be the delicate feasting
of dogs, of all birds, and the will of Zeus was accomplished
since that time when first there stood in division of conflict
Atreus' son the lord of men and brilliant Achilleus.

Michael Reck

Sing, Goddess, Achilles' maniac rage:
ruinous thing! it roused a thousand sorrows
and hurled many souls of mighty warriors
to Hades, made their bodies food for dogs
and carrion birds—as Zeus's will foredoomed—
from the time relentless strife came between
Atreus' son, a king, and brave Achilles.


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