Anthony Verity vs Emily Wilson Iliad Translation Comparison

Years: 2012 and 2023

Verity's translation of the Iliad presents a faithful and nuanced rendition of the original Greek text, while Wilson's translation offers a fresh and accessible interpretation that captures the power and emotion of the epic.

Passage comparison

Anthony Verity

SING, goddess, the anger of Achilles, Peleus' son,
the accursed anger which brought the Achaeans countless
agonies and hurled many mighty shades of heroes into Hades,
causing them to become the prey of dogs and
all kinds of birds; and the plan of Zeus was fulfilled.
Sing from the time the two men were first divided in strife—
Atreus' son, lord of men, and glorious Achilles.

Emily Wilson

Goddess, sing of the cataclysmic wrath
of great Achilles, son of Peleus,
which caused the Greeks immeasurable pain
and sent so many noble souls of heroes
to Hades, and made men the spoils of dogs,
a banquet for the birds, and so the plan
of Zeus unfolded—starting with the conflict
between great Agamemnon, lord of men,
and glorious Achilles.


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