Michael Reck vs Herbert Jordan Iliad Translation Comparison

Years: 1994 and 2008

Reck's translation of the Iliad provides a more accessible and reader-friendly version with modern language, while Jordan's translation maintains a more traditional and poetic tone that hews closely to the original epic.

Passage comparison

Michael Reck

Sing, Goddess, Achilles' maniac rage:
ruinous thing! it roused a thousand sorrows
and hurled many souls of mighty warriors
to Hades, made their bodies food for dogs
and carrion birds—as Zeus's will foredoomed—
from the time relentless strife came between
Atreus' son, a king, and brave Achilles.

Herbert Jordan

Sing, goddess, of Peleus' son Achilles' anger,
ruinous, that caused the Greeks untold ordeals,
consigned to Hades countless valiant souls,
heroes, and left their bodies prey for dogs
or feast for vultures. Zeus's will was done
from when those two first quarreled and split apart,
the king, Agamemnon, and matchless Achilles.


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