Stephen Mitchell vs Herbert Jordan Iliad Translation Comparison

Years: 2011 and 2008

Mitchell's translation of the Iliad is renowned for its accessibility and poetic style, while Jordan's translation offers a more literal rendering that focuses on preserving the original Greek language and structure.

Passage comparison

Stephen Mitchell

The rage of Achilles—sing it now, goddess, sing through me
the deadly rage that caused the Achaeans such grief
and hurled down to Hades the souls of so many fighters,
leaving their naked flesh to be eaten by dogs
and carrion birds, as the will of Zeus was accomplished.
Begin at the time when bitter words first divided
that king of men, Agamemnon, and godlike Achilles.

Herbert Jordan

Sing, goddess, of Peleus' son Achilles' anger,
ruinous, that caused the Greeks untold ordeals,
consigned to Hades countless valiant souls,
heroes, and left their bodies prey for dogs
or feast for vultures. Zeus's will was done
from when those two first quarreled and split apart,
the king, Agamemnon, and matchless Achilles.


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