Rodney Merrill vs Michael Reck Iliad Translation Comparison

Years: 2009 and 1994

Merrill's translation of the Iliad captures the epic's grandeur and poetic beauty, while Reck's translation focuses on conveying the raw intensity and brutality of the Trojan War.

Passage comparison

Rodney Merrill

Sing now, goddess, the wrath of Achilles the scion of Peleus,
ruinous rage which brought the Achaians uncounted afflictions;
many the powerful souls it sent to the dwelling of Hades,
those of the heroes, and spoil for the dogs it made of their bodies,
plunder for all of the birds, and the purpose of Zeus was accomplished—
sing from the time when first stood hostile, starting the conflict,
Atreus' scion, the lord of the people, and noble Achilles.

Michael Reck

Sing, Goddess, Achilles' maniac rage:
ruinous thing! it roused a thousand sorrows
and hurled many souls of mighty warriors
to Hades, made their bodies food for dogs
and carrion birds—as Zeus's will foredoomed—
from the time relentless strife came between
Atreus' son, a king, and brave Achilles.


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