Stanley Lombardo vs Anthony Verity Iliad Translation Comparison

Years: 1997 and 2012

Lombardo's translation of the Iliad embodies a more modern and accessible style, capturing the epic's action and intensity, while Verity's rendition showcases a more traditional and poetic approach, paying homage to the original beauty of Homer's language.

Passage comparison

Stanley Lombardo

Sing, Goddess, Achilles' rage,
Black and murderous, that cost the Greeks
Incalculable pain, pitched countless souls
Of heroes into Hades' dark,
And left their bodies to rot as feasts
For dogs and birds, as Zeus' will was done.

Anthony Verity

SING, goddess, the anger of Achilles, Peleus' son,
the accursed anger which brought the Achaeans countless
agonies and hurled many mighty shades of heroes into Hades,
causing them to become the prey of dogs and
all kinds of birds; and the plan of Zeus was fulfilled.
Sing from the time the two men were first divided in strife—
Atreus' son, lord of men, and glorious Achilles.


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